A way to approach all the best techniques and tricks to deal with numbers is now available in this Math learning app. The app has been especially designed to cater the needs of students of secondary education. The purpose of this app is to make the mathematical training easier. This app provides 4 different features to learn about mathematical operations, these functions, formulas and better techniques to resolve sums step by step. Get the comprehensive details of this much useful app. Features:
- Times Table
- Techniques
- Training
- Flash Calculations
- Social sharing options
How to play?
After installing this quite helpful app, the home page of the ap offers 4 main features to play with. The method is as followed:
Times Table: This feature offers you a practice of getting familiar to the times table in order to become good in numbers and calculations. The activity refers multiplication sums in which the given numbers will challenge you to resolve the sum in 3 orders:
By selecting one of these, further tap on the start button and enter the answer of the given query and practice your mathematical skills.
Techniques: It’s one of the most wonderful feature of his app which deals with user as a math guide. It provides the best techniques to resolve the sums. Theoretical statements of the sums and their solutions are mentioned in it.
After tapping on this feature, you’ll get a list of 10 headings of multiple sums in which Subtraction, Addition, Multiplication, Formulas formation and Factorization all mathematical operations are involved. Tap on each and learn about the best techniques to resolve them 1 by 1. Moreover, each sum has the option to practicethe techniques by your own.
Training: It provides a beat way to practice all your mathematical learning . Here following 4 mathematical operations are available to practice in form of sums:
Further the practitioner can choose the Easy, Normal and Hard mode regarding the level of study or learning requirements. Simply set the commands according to your requirement and hit the Start button to resolve the sum. Thus, the app will automatically directs you to the other sum to deal with.
Flash Calc: Another amazing feature, it’s Flash Calc which is a game like activity to let the player enjoy a lot. It displays numbers in a flash-over style and challenges to add them all. This feature offers the following options to select according to the choice:
Number of flashes_ 3, 5, 10, or 15
Numbers of digits_ 1, 2, 3, or 4
Display speed_ Slow, Normal or Fast
After setting the requirements, numbers of selected digits will be shown in flash and then a pop-up will ask to enter the correct sum of these numbers and tap on the OK button to know about answer and correct answer will add your scores.
Dear parents and teachers!
We suggest you to use this app to gear up the mathematical performance of your children/students, because this app has brought most unique ways to teach the users, as well as the latest techniques to resolve the sums of all mathematical operations are commendable. There’s a complete guideline to understand the variations within the sums. More, it’s a self-evaluation app to practice the techniques and conduct quiz to get about the level of performance.
So, access today to be more efficient in dealing with numbers.
Get appmore s including 123 games, math activities for preschoolers and kindergarten counting games. All are free math apps for kids.